On this site we present a C++ code which can be used to create data tables for the
doubly differential cross sections for electron-nucleus Bremsstrahlung and pair production. The code consists of two parts: In the beginning there is a header which defines the functions for Bremsstrahlung and pair
production. These lines have to appear in the beginning of a C++ code. Then the
functions for Bremsstrahlung and pair production follow which can be placed anywhere
else in the code.
The function to calculate the doubly differential cross section for Bremsstrahlung can
be called by
brems(E_kin, omega, Theta_i)
where E_kin denotes the kinetic energy of the incident electron in Joule, omega is the
frequency of the emitted photon in 1/s and Theta_i is the scattering angle. The function
to calculate the doubly differential cross section for pair production can be called by
pairpr(E_kin, omega, Theta_p)
where E_kin denotes the kinetic energy of the created positron in Joule, omega the frequency
of the incident photon in 1/s and Theta_p the angle between both.
The code can be downloaded here.
If you use this code, please cite this article.